Our Development Team ensures the effort and time used to document, design, develop our Business and Technology Solutions or Applications are properly implemented for our Clients. Whether we are deploying or implementing new Web, Mobile, or Desktop Applications, our Development Team ensures the Business and Technology solutions or applications deliver perfect result and value for money solutions based on Clients’ Documented Requirements.   

The most important of our implementation is to ensure the Business and Technology Solutions integrates successfully with Clients’ existing or new hardware/software. In addition, our implementation strategy depends on the Business and Technology Solutions we are implementing or deploying for the Clients. If it is a new enhancement or modification of Web or Mobile Applications, we ensure the application is fully tested with required hardware devices at various Test Environment and ensure Clients satisfaction (Beta UAT) before we deploy or Push to Live or Production Environment from our Office. However, if it is a Desktop Application, we will ensure the application is fully tested with existing or new hardware and application at Client Environment and ensure Client’s satisfaction before we sign off. 

In conclusion, once we successfully deploy or implement our solution or application to the Live or Production environment at our office or Client’s environment, we will ensure our Business and Technology Solutions or Applications are properly maintained regularly by our maintenance team as long as there is a maintenance agreement signed by both parties. 

However, if no maintenance agreement is signed, we will fix any issue reported to us as soon as possible.