Our software testing team are competent with the knowledge to design and execute Manual and Automation testing on Website and Mobile applications.

We carry-out Static Review on Functional Specifications or Users Stories and use different Design Techniques to design out test cases before we start executing all the test cases. Our Design Techniques are Boundary Value Analysis, Equivalence Partitioning, State Transition Technique, Decision Table, Risk Base, and Experience base.

Apart from using different design techniques on any application under testing. We execute different testing at various testing phases and environment. Our testing phases include Build or Component Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing, System testing, End-to-end testing, Users Acceptance testing (Alpha and Beta). 

Furthermore, our team conducting the following testing depending on the phases of testing or environment of the application under development:

  • Compatibility or Cross-browsing Testing
  • Exploratory Testing
  • Compliance testing
  • Accessibility Testing
  • Stress and Load Testing
  • Risk-Based Testing
  • Smoke and Sanity Testing
  • Confirmation Testing
  • Regression Testing


Lastly, our test cases are categorized into Build, Regression, and Critical testing. The testing team makes use of the Application Life Management tools (Jira, Trello, and ALM or QC) to report defects or issues and write well-detailed steps to reproduce, attach a screenshot, the environment, device, browser, etc of the defects to the developers for fixing.